On Sunday evening before Christmas Eve at the Philharmonic in Szczecin, Christmas songs, which we know from excellent performances, among others by Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole will be heard. There will also be Polish carols. Everything will be presented in a traditional big band musical setting.
Szczecin Philharmonic Big Band will put listeners in a good mood during the joyful Christmas time. During the concert, such songs as "Jingle Bells", "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" and "Wise Men of the World" will be heard. Arrangements of Polish Christmas carols will be prepared by Jakub Kraszewski, a pianist, conductor and composer, cooperating, among others, with with the Musical Theater in Poznań. Traditional Polish songs will gain lightness characteristic of performances of entertainment orchestras.
Szczecin Philharmonic Big Band was established in autumn 2017 on the initiative of Igor Pushkin, trombonist of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. It is composed, among others, of musicians of the Orchestra, teachers of music schools, lecturers and students of music academies. The musicians reach for a diverse and colourful repertoire: film, jazz, swing. By creating opportunities to make music together with a wide repertoire other than classical, they invite listeners to have fun.
Exhibition available during event:
Lśnienie | Michał ZaborowskiWedług Michała Zaborowskiego malarstwo powinno być sensualne, a nie intelektualne czy analityczne. Powstaje z mieszaniny ducha modela, sytuacji, w jakiej jest uchwycony, oraz światła. Wystawa nasycona będzie zarówno tradycyjnym malarstwem na płótnie, jak i lekkimi, niedopowiedzianymi i spontanicznymi pracami na papierze.
Mecenasem koncertu jest Natural Skin Clinic.
Mecenas koncertu

American Christmas | Big-band
22-12-2019 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin