26APR '20sn, 17:00

Musical tale ‘King Matt the First’ [CANCELED]

Concert for children aged 6+ with guardians
Symphony Hall
  • Jerzy Rogiewicz - conductor
Bearing in mind your comfort and safety, following the guidelines of the Szczecin City Hall, we decided to cancel all concerts and events taking place at the Philharmonic in Szczecin from March 11th to April 30th, 2020.

Details about returns can be found HERE.
How to make everyone feel good? How to arrange the state so that people would be happy in it? Is it easy to rule such a state? – asks Matt, the hero of Janusz Korczak's book "King Matt the First".

We invite children and adults to meet the ten-year-old king and have an unforgettable experience. Together with him, we will seek answers to questions related to the hardships of governing a state. Thanks to the fairy-tale illustrations of Iwona Chmielewska, we will be immersed in the world of the novel. We will walk in the shoes of a little king who must take the throne and rearrange the devastated country at the same time having various adventures.

The concert consists of ten songs combined with narration. "Crown", "Chocolate Pound" and
"Swap" by acclaimed composer Jerzy Rogiewicz and teacher of philosophy and ethics
Grzegorz Uzdański. They draw attention to the difficult aspects of governing the state. We want the children to understand the role of citizens in creating the state and feel that they too could their impact on it. Thanks to wise and imaginative songs, we'll think about what power is, whether it should be shared, what reforms are, how much they cost and whether they always succeed.

The premiere of the piece took place on June 2, 2019, at the POLIN Museum in Warsaw and crowned a temporary exhibition 'In King Matt's Poland', prepared for the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland.

Musical tale ‘King Matt the First’ [CANCELED]
26-04-2020 17:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

April 2020
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03APR '20fr, 15:00
03APR '20fr, 19:00
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17APR '20fr, 19:00
18APR '20sa, 09:00
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24APR '20fr, 13:00
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24APR '20fr, 15:00
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26APR '20sn, 19:00
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May 2020
02MAY '20sa, 11:00
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03MAY '20sn, 11:00
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05MAY '20tu, 11:00
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09MAY '20sa, 11:00
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10MAY '20sn, 11:00
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10MAY '20sn, 19:00
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11MAY '20mn, 11:00
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11MAY '20mn, 19:00
12MAY '20tu, 11:00
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17MAY '20sn, 11:00
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17MAY '20sn, 19:00
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19MAY '20tu, 11:00
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20MAY '20wd, 19:00
21MAY '20th, 19:00
22MAY '20fr, 19:00
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23MAY '20sa, 11:00
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24MAY '20sn, 11:00
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24MAY '20sn, 12:00
24MAY '20sn, 19:00
25MAY '20mn, 11:00
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29MAY '20fr, 19:00
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30MAY '20sa, 11:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2019/2020Raniutto OnlineOnline premiere
31MAY '20sn, 18:45
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31MAY '20sn, 19:00
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