The history of Szczecin is the story of the proud capital of the Pomeranian Duchy, then wrongly treated as a forgotten and somewhat soulless fortress. The metropolis was born and grew along with the industrial revolution when Szczecin became one of the largest cities in this part of Europe. The WWII rough a true disaster. A new city was built with the enormous effort of new pioneers, our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents while the traditions were brought from distant corners of present and old Poland. Today, Szczecin is a "city after renovation" with international ambitions and once again building its position.
Many musical traditions are interwoven against this background. Each epoch is reflected in the works and sounds resonating in Szczecin. From masterpieces of the Renaissance and the Baroque, through the compositions of Carl Loewe and concerts of Felix Mendelssohn, German, Jewish, French, Swedish and Polish music, to folk traditions and contemporary composing schools.
Currently, the creation of this musical landscape is continued by the winners of artistic scholarships granted by the President of the City of Szczecin. We will be happy to host them in our Philharmonic!
Artyści Szczecina | Koncert stypendystów
19-11-2019 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin