During the festival, participants will have the opportunity to explore the theme of the 2024 edition – IMAGINE – through a variety of events, including concerts, workshops and discussions. Exploring art, design and music, we will encourage you to discover the potential of our imagination and its impact on our lives.

The full program will be revealed on September 2, 2024, and on September 3, you will also find here links to purchase tickets online. Follow our website and the Philharmonic's social media profiles so you don't miss the start of ticket sales.
03 october (thursday)
Hour: 19:00
The theme of this year’s MDF Festival, evident in every aspect of the event, is IMAGINE. This is also reflected in the premier artistic installation created especially for the Philharmonic by the renowned collective panGenerator. Join us at the opening of the MDF Festival and witness the premiere of the Noise Surround System installation.
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The creators from the panGenerator collective, participating in the MDF Festival for the third time, have teamed up with Respect Energy to create the exceptional spatial installation entitled Noise Surround System-a unique commentary on the issue of noise pollution. This spatial, kinetic audiovisual installation will confront the audience with the phenomenon of urban noise, surrounding them with a generative composition of sounds from Szczecin.

The public will have the opportunity to freely enter the structure's interior, which will be placed in the spacious lobby of the Szczecin Philharmonic. Inside, kinetic modules emitting sound and light will move. Their motion will be coordinated with musical and lighting layers, creating a generative choreography. Experiencing this spatial composition surrounding the viewer with musical noise (based on processed samples from Szczecin’s urban environment) will engage the senses and provoke reflection on contemporary environmental issues.

Hour: 19:00
level 4. Gallery
Szymon Brodziak, the master of black-and-white photography, invites you on an extraordinary journey into the world of imagination during the seventh edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival. His works, full of drama and emotion, align perfectly with the festival's theme, IMAGINE, offering participants a chance to immerse themselves in a unique, artistic world brimming with creativity and inspiration.
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Brodziak's black-and-white photography exhibition is a true feast for art and photography enthusiasts. His works exude a unique atmosphere and emotional depth that can transport the recipient to an entirely different world. Brodziak masterfully wields light and shadow, giving his photographs exceptional depth and drama. Each of his photographs is like a small story that captivates and moves the viewer, reminiscent of frames from films that were never made. This exceptional exhibition prompts reflection and contemplation. Szymon Brodziak can capture fleeting moments and preserve them in his photographs, creating extraordinary works. The artist invites you into his black-and-white world through his motto: You are what you see.
Hour: 19:00
Philharmonic space
We invite you to an extraordinary journey where imagination reaches its unlimited potential and every form of creation gains a new dimension. As part of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, the Light The Rust installation by the artists from Gie El will take visitors on a fascinating path of experiences, where even the most unexpected material can become a source of artistic inspiration.
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Light The Rust is a project that unveils the beauty of rust, discovering its unique energy and aesthetics. In common perception, rust is often seen as undesirable, a symbol of decay and the passage of time. However, Maria and Jacek Rypuł, the creators of the Gie El brand, see something entirely different in it – creative potential and depth that goes beyond conventional notions. In this installation, rust is ignited, illuminated, and transformed into something new, beautiful, and full of life.

As you walk through the path of experiences, participants will have the opportunity to get closer to the creative process, understanding the various points of contact that lead to creation. It is a journey where each step becomes a discovery, and every interaction with the material opens new perspectives and reveals what usually remains invisible. Light The Rust is an experience that invites reflection on the nature of beauty and the possibilities that artistic imagination offers.

Allow your imagination to guide you through this extraordinary path, where rust becomes light, while the creative process – an endless source of inspiration.

See more on gie-el.pl
Hour: 19:00
Philharmonic space
Echoes of self illusions in heritage to doświadczenie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej, które zaprosi do refleksji nad dziedzictwem i możliwościami, jakie daje artystyczna wyobraźnia w połączeniu z syntetycznym wsparciem sztucznej inteligencji.
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Projekt to efekt współpracy międzynarodowej zainicjowanej podczas Hot Summer Digital Art and Design Academy – Citizen Dialogue, którego motywem przewodnim było połączenie sztuki cyfrowej i sztucznej inteligencji. W trakcie festiwalu MDF 2024, odwiedzający będą mieli okazję doświadczyć rezultatów tego twórczego dialogu między artystami z Polski i Niemiec.

W przestrzeni immersyjnej, za pomocą okularów XR, uczestnicy przeniosą się w świat, gdzie historia regionu Bałtyku i miasta Wolin splata się z nowoczesnymi technologiami. Prace prezentowane w ramach Echoes of Self Illusions in Heritage powstały jako rezultat warsztatów inspirowanych dziedzictwem kulturowym, w których artyści eksplorowali przeszłość, projektując przyszłość. Dzięki narzędziom AI, takim jak Midjourney, Leonardo AI czy Runway, uczestnicy nadali nowe życie opowieściom o dawnych czasach.

To doświadczenie stanowi idealną okazję do refleksji nad tym, jak sztuczna inteligencja może poszerzać granice kreatywności, otwierając przed nami nowe perspektywy postrzegania przeszłości i wyobrażania sobie przyszłości. Festiwal MDF 2024 to przestrzeń, gdzie tradycja spotyka się z nowoczesnością, a sztuka staje się pomostem między czasami.

Organizatorem wydarzenia Hot Summer Digital Art and Design Academy – Citizen Dialogue było Stowarzyszenie Media Dizajn, Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie w partnerstwie z Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie, Metasy, Klasterem IT oraz Berlin School of Business & Innovation.

Letnia Akademia Digital Art i Design w Warszawie realizowana była w ramach Projektu T.A.B – Innovation Hubs for Tech, Art and Business finansowanego z program Interreg South Baltic.

Hour: 20:00
Illumination show
From October 3 to October 6, 2024, from 7:00 pm until midnight, the exterior facade of the Szczecin Philharmonic will become a unique canvas entrusted to the boundless imagination of artists from the Szczecin-based Pushka Studio. Once again, the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will transform the building into a fascinating artistic object.
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Evening illumination shows are an integral part of the concerts and exhibitions held during the MDF Festival, enriching every moment with unique visual experiences. The Philharmonic's facade will light up with colourful spots and pulsating light shapes, creating a spectacular light show. Not only inside but also outside, we will ignite the imagination with masterful 3D animations and advanced multimedia techniques.

This year, the magical experiences will be crafted by the Pushka Studio team, comprising Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba, and Jakub Cwajda. These artists, passionate about new media, 3D animation, content production, 3D video mapping, and multimedia installations, create experiences that engage all the senses.

Pushka Studio is a collective of professionals from various fields of art who, inspired by the latest technologies and driven by creativity, create fascinating and engaging projects.
04 october (friday)
Hour: 12:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space

Dostępność wystaw:

  • 3.10.2024, czwartek w godz. 19:00-22:00
  • 4.10.2024, piątek w godz. 12:00-22:00
  • 5.10.2024, sobota w godz. 12:00-17:00
  • 6.10.2024, niedziela w godz. 12:00-19:00
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Szymon Brodziak | Między światłem a cieniem

Wystawa fotografii czarno-białej autorstwa Szymona Brodziaka to prawdziwa uczta dla miłośników sztuki i fotografii. Jego prace emanują niepowtarzalnym klimatem i głębią emocji, które potrafią przenieść widza w zupełnie inny świat. Brodziak doskonale włada światłem i cieniem, co nadaje jego zdjęciom wyjątkową głębię i dramatyzm.

panGenerator | Noise Surround System

Twórcy z kolektywu panGenerator, dzięki współpracy z firmą Respect Energy stworzą wyjątkową, przestrzenną instalację Noise Surround System – swoisty komentarz do problemu zanieczyszczenia hałasem. Będzie to przestrzenna, kinetyczna instalacja audiowizualna, która skonfrontuje odbiorców ze zjawiskiem miejskiego zgiełku, otaczając ich generatywną kompozycją dźwięków Szczecina. Publiczność będzie miała możliwość swobodnego wchodzenia do wnętrza konstrukcji.

Gie El | Light The Rust

Light The Rust to projekt, który obnaża piękno rdzy, odkrywając jej niezwykłą energię i estetykę. W powszechnym odbiorze rdza często bywa traktowana jako coś niepożądanego, element zniszczenia i upływu czasu. Jednak Maria i Jacek Rypułowie, twórcy marki Gie El, widzą w niej coś zupełnie innego – potencjał twórczy i głębię, która wykracza poza schematy.

Echoes of self illusions in heritage

Doświadczenie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej z wykorzystaniem okularów XR, które zaprosi do refleksji nad dziedzictwem i możliwościami, jakie daje artystyczna wyobraźnia w połączeniu z syntetycznym wsparciem sztucznej inteligencji.
Hour: 17:00
Dyskusja / bezpłatna transmisja online
Chamber hall
Can innovative approaches to art and technology address the challenges of the modern world? Can new technologies influence artistic creation, authenticity, and accessibility? Where do we draw the line in integrating technology with culture? We will attempt to answer these and many other questions during the first of the two debates planned for this year's MDF Festival programme.

Free tickets available at the Philharmonic box office from September 24.
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The debate will focus on the use of modern technologies in cultural activities. Invited guests will confront their views on whether the introduction of modern technologies into the cultural sector is a desirable direction. Representatives from various industries and communities will share their insights on the potential benefits of integrating art with technology, as well as the challenges that may arise in this process.

The debate will not shy away from one of the hottest topics in the art world lately, artificial intelligence: are we in for a revolution? How different is this tool from the ones we have used so far? How big of a threat is it to creative work and can this tool be used to create valuable art at all?

We aim for this event to become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, where both the opportunities and risks associated with the implementation of modern technologies in artistic activities will be discussed. Once again, the MDF Festival will serve as a platform that connects culture, creativity, and entrepreneurship, transcending the traditional perception of artistic institutions and opening up new possibilities for collaboration and development.
Hour: 19:00
Dyskusja / bezpłatna transmisja online
Chamber hall
As part of the MDF Festival, we explore art, music, and design, but each edition also addresses socially important topics. This year, we will tackle one of the most pressing issues of contemporary society: online hate.

Free tickets available at the Philharmonic box office from September 24.
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In the age of global digitisation and the omnipresence of social media, the problem of hate speech and cyberbullying has become an extremely serious challenge we must confront. Online hate affects both adults and children, negatively impacting their mental and physical health. Verbal abuse, discrimination, and hatred are spreading in the online space, becoming a daily reality for many users.

Following the festival's theme – IMAGINE, the debate will be a space for creativity, imagination, and reflection on the challenges of the modern world. In this context, the use of imagination will become a key element in combating online hate. Imagination can become a force that allows us to explore new possibilities and create more friendly and safe spaces, even online.

During the discussion, the speakers will attempt to answer key questions: What are the main causes of online hate? How can we effectively respond to online hate speech? What roles can social media platforms and we as internet users play in combating hate?
Hour: 20:00
Illumination show
From October 3 to October 6, 2024, from 7:00 pm until midnight, the exterior facade of the Szczecin Philharmonic will become a unique canvas entrusted to the boundless imagination of artists from the Szczecin-based Pushka Studio. Once again, the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will transform the building into a fascinating artistic object.
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Evening illumination shows are an integral part of the concerts and exhibitions held during the MDF Festival, enriching every moment with unique visual experiences. The Philharmonic's facade will light up with colourful spots and pulsating light shapes, creating a spectacular light show. Not only inside but also outside, we will ignite the imagination with masterful 3D animations and advanced multimedia techniques.

This year, the magical experiences will be crafted by the Pushka Studio team, comprising Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba, and Jakub Cwajda. These artists, passionate about new media, 3D animation, content production, 3D video mapping, and multimedia installations, create experiences that engage all the senses.

Pushka Studio is a collective of professionals from various fields of art who, inspired by the latest technologies and driven by creativity, create fascinating and engaging projects.
05 october (saturday)
Hour: 10:00
Rehearsal room
The workshops support the development of imagination skills. Participants will have the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of creative reasoning and working with imagery and metaphor. The workshops include exercises in expanding imagination, such as associations, wishful thinking, and distinguishing between the real and the unreal, as well as the possible and the impossible. By working on specific cases, children will seek creative solutions, learning to think outside the box. Join us and let your imagination flourish!
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Kasia Klimek is an actress with the Pleciuga Theatre and an improviser, who has been nurturing creativity in children and youth for many years. As a coach and trainer, she conducts workshops on public speaking and self-presentation.

Workshops for younger participants of the MDF festival are unified by our theme for this year – IMAGINE. Under the guidance of experienced educators, we will stimulate creativity on many different levels. By exploring new possibilities for creative thinking, writing, and designing, we will immerse ourselves in the boundless world of imagination, where every idea can become reality!
Hour: 12:00
Rehearsal room
These workshops support the development of spatial and colour awareness. During the sessions, participants will gain knowledge about building design and its impact on the environment. Through interactive tasks, they will discover cultural traditions and ecological aspects of architecture. This workshop is a unique opportunity for learning through play, helping participants better understand the world around them and its diversity. Join us and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of architecture and design!
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Beata Kuracińska is a designer and cultural animator, curator of over 40 exhibitions on design, architecture, and art aimed at children, youth, and adults, and artistic projects including the international KIDS LOVE DESIGN and editions of the socio-artistic project Common Room (Israel, Palestine, Germany, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, United States, Poland, India, Japan). She is the director and curator of the Westival of Architecture.

Workshops for younger participants of the MDF festival are unified by our theme for this year – IMAGINE. Under the guidance of experienced educators, we will stimulate creativity on many different levels. By exploring new possibilities for creative thinking, writing, and designing, we will immerse ourselves in the boundless world of imagination, where every idea can become reality!
Rehearsal room
These workshops support the development of literary skills and self-confidence. Participants will learn what a "writing workshop" entails and engage in a creative exercise. Using a graphical scenario, they will create stories in chosen literary genres, which will then be discussed and summarized together. The workshops aim to develop not only the ability to create and write stories but also teamwork skills and the ability to adapt to changing conditions in the creative process. Join us and enhance your storytelling abilities!
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Sylwia Trojanowska is a writer, playwright, coach, and business trainer with extensive experience in training adults and youth. Born and raised in Szczecin by choice, she debuted in 2015 with the novel Szkoła latania and has since published several historical and contemporary novels, including the trilogy Sekrety i kłamstwa (2018-2019), Łabędź (2022), and Żona nazisty (2023), which became a finalist in Poland's largest reader's poll Lubimy Czytać. Two of her plays, 4 kute asy and Okna, have been staged in theatres.

Workshops for younger participants of the MDF festival are unified by our theme for this year – IMAGINE. Under the guidance of experienced educators, we will stimulate creativity on many different levels. By exploring new possibilities for creative thinking, writing, and designing, we will immerse ourselves in the boundless world of imagination, where every idea can become reality!
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space

Dostępność wystaw:

  • 3.10.2024, czwartek w godz. 19:00-22:00
  • 4.10.2024, piątek w godz. 12:00-22:00
  • 5.10.2024, sobota w godz. 12:00-17:00
  • 6.10.2024, niedziela w godz. 12:00-19:00
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Szymon Brodziak | Między światłem a cieniem

Wystawa fotografii czarno-białej autorstwa Szymona Brodziaka to prawdziwa uczta dla miłośników sztuki i fotografii. Jego prace emanują niepowtarzalnym klimatem i głębią emocji, które potrafią przenieść widza w zupełnie inny świat. Brodziak doskonale włada światłem i cieniem, co nadaje jego zdjęciom wyjątkową głębię i dramatyzm.

panGenerator | Noise Surround System

Twórcy z kolektywu panGenerator, dzięki współpracy z firmą Respect Energy stworzą wyjątkową, przestrzenną instalację Noise Surround System – swoisty komentarz do problemu zanieczyszczenia hałasem. Będzie to przestrzenna, kinetyczna instalacja audiowizualna, która skonfrontuje odbiorców ze zjawiskiem miejskiego zgiełku, otaczając ich generatywną kompozycją dźwięków Szczecina. Publiczność będzie miała możliwość swobodnego wchodzenia do wnętrza konstrukcji.

Gie El | Light The Rust

Light The Rust to projekt, który obnaża piękno rdzy, odkrywając jej niezwykłą energię i estetykę. W powszechnym odbiorze rdza często bywa traktowana jako coś niepożądanego, element zniszczenia i upływu czasu. Jednak Maria i Jacek Rypułowie, twórcy marki Gie El, widzą w niej coś zupełnie innego – potencjał twórczy i głębię, która wykracza poza schematy.

Echoes of self illusions in heritage

Doświadczenie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej z wykorzystaniem okularów XR, które zaprosi do refleksji nad dziedzictwem i możliwościami, jakie daje artystyczna wyobraźnia w połączeniu z syntetycznym wsparciem sztucznej inteligencji.
Hour: 18:00
Symphony Hall
Rap and classical music? In the Szczecin Philharmonic and during the MDF Festival, anything is possible – especially when we give youth the stage and awaken their imagination and creativity. You should know this concert was inspired and created by young people. For the young and the old, for those unafraid to step outside the box and experience something new.
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The concert will be the finale of a project that began in June 2024 with a casting call for young people. Selected young rappers and lyricists will participate in workshops led by a rapper, creating a space for creativity. The entire process will be overseen by therapist Alina Krzyżewska, while social activist Martyna Kaczmarek will conduct workshops on self-acceptance and body positivity. The concert's script will be based on these workshops and will address youth issues such as misunderstanding, belonging, otherness, and the pervasive presence of hate. The content and direction of the script will be managed by actors from the Contemporary Theatre, Maciej Litkowski and Adam Kuzycz-Berezowski.

In a time when mental health issues are becoming increasingly serious and online hate is a daily occurrence, the need to promote respect, acceptance, and positive communication is extremely important. The concert Just So You Know? created by and for young people, was conceived to educate them about the harm caused by hate and to build a tolerant and respectful environment.

The concert's musical layer (and beats for the young rappers) consists of new pieces inspired by classical motifs from Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and other great composers. Young performers will take the stage with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, and classical music will harmonise with rap lyrics, creating incredible and emotional arrangements.
Hour: 20:00
Illumination show
From October 3 to October 6, 2024, from 7:00 pm until midnight, the exterior facade of the Szczecin Philharmonic will become a unique canvas entrusted to the boundless imagination of artists from the Szczecin-based Pushka Studio. Once again, the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will transform the building into a fascinating artistic object.
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Evening illumination shows are an integral part of the concerts and exhibitions held during the MDF Festival, enriching every moment with unique visual experiences. The Philharmonic's facade will light up with colourful spots and pulsating light shapes, creating a spectacular light show. Not only inside but also outside, we will ignite the imagination with masterful 3D animations and advanced multimedia techniques.

This year, the magical experiences will be crafted by the Pushka Studio team, comprising Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba, and Jakub Cwajda. These artists, passionate about new media, 3D animation, content production, 3D video mapping, and multimedia installations, create experiences that engage all the senses.

Pushka Studio is a collective of professionals from various fields of art who, inspired by the latest technologies and driven by creativity, create fascinating and engaging projects.
06 october (sunday)
Hour: 12:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space

Dostępność wystaw:

  • 3.10.2024, czwartek w godz. 19:00-22:00
  • 4.10.2024, piątek w godz. 12:00-22:00
  • 5.10.2024, sobota w godz. 12:00-17:00
  • 6.10.2024, niedziela w godz. 12:00-19:00
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Szymon Brodziak | Między światłem a cieniem

Wystawa fotografii czarno-białej autorstwa Szymona Brodziaka to prawdziwa uczta dla miłośników sztuki i fotografii. Jego prace emanują niepowtarzalnym klimatem i głębią emocji, które potrafią przenieść widza w zupełnie inny świat. Brodziak doskonale włada światłem i cieniem, co nadaje jego zdjęciom wyjątkową głębię i dramatyzm.

panGenerator | Noise Surround System

Twórcy z kolektywu panGenerator, dzięki współpracy z firmą Respect Energy stworzą wyjątkową, przestrzenną instalację Noise Surround System – swoisty komentarz do problemu zanieczyszczenia hałasem. Będzie to przestrzenna, kinetyczna instalacja audiowizualna, która skonfrontuje odbiorców ze zjawiskiem miejskiego zgiełku, otaczając ich generatywną kompozycją dźwięków Szczecina. Publiczność będzie miała możliwość swobodnego wchodzenia do wnętrza konstrukcji.

Gie El | Light The Rust

Light The Rust to projekt, który obnaża piękno rdzy, odkrywając jej niezwykłą energię i estetykę. W powszechnym odbiorze rdza często bywa traktowana jako coś niepożądanego, element zniszczenia i upływu czasu. Jednak Maria i Jacek Rypułowie, twórcy marki Gie El, widzą w niej coś zupełnie innego – potencjał twórczy i głębię, która wykracza poza schematy.

Echoes of self illusions in heritage

Doświadczenie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej z wykorzystaniem okularów XR, które zaprosi do refleksji nad dziedzictwem i możliwościami, jakie daje artystyczna wyobraźnia w połączeniu z syntetycznym wsparciem sztucznej inteligencji.
Hour: 20:00
Illumination show
From October 3 to October 6, 2024, from 7:00 pm until midnight, the exterior facade of the Szczecin Philharmonic will become a unique canvas entrusted to the boundless imagination of artists from the Szczecin-based Pushka Studio. Once again, the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will transform the building into a fascinating artistic object.
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Evening illumination shows are an integral part of the concerts and exhibitions held during the MDF Festival, enriching every moment with unique visual experiences. The Philharmonic's facade will light up with colourful spots and pulsating light shapes, creating a spectacular light show. Not only inside but also outside, we will ignite the imagination with masterful 3D animations and advanced multimedia techniques.

This year, the magical experiences will be crafted by the Pushka Studio team, comprising Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba, and Jakub Cwajda. These artists, passionate about new media, 3D animation, content production, 3D video mapping, and multimedia installations, create experiences that engage all the senses.

Pushka Studio is a collective of professionals from various fields of art who, inspired by the latest technologies and driven by creativity, create fascinating and engaging projects.
Symphony Hall
We invite you to the #LetsBaRock concert, which will take you on an extraordinary musical journey, blending Baroque classics with modern pop sounds. Jakub Józef Orliński and Aleksander Dębicz will present their collaborative project as part of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival. Discover how timeless Baroque music can be in a fresh, new interpretation, inspiring us to push the boundaries of our imagination!
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Baroque music may be perceived as inaccessible or even forgotten. However, it is intriguing to many artists because it allows for freedom and creativity. The renowned Polish countertenor Jakub Józef Orliński and the highly talented pianist and composer Aleksander Dębicz, who have previously performed at the Philharmonic in Szczecin, decided to join forces and create their own, more contemporary interpretation of Baroque music.

You can experience the fruits of this unique project during the autumn #LetsBaRock concert tour, which aligns with the theme of the seventh edition of the MDF Festival – IMAGINE. The festival will become a space for creativity, imagination, and reflection on the challenges of the modern world. Orliński and Dębicz, following this theme, will present contemporary arrangements of Baroque pieces enriched with pop elements. This fusion highlights the timelessness of Baroque music and demonstrates how imagination allows us to transcend artistic boundaries.

In the #LetsBaRock project, Jakub Józef Orliński and Aleksander Dębicz aim to showcase the universality of Baroque music. Together, they have created "covers" of Baroque pieces, placing them in a contemporary pop context, and supplemented the repertoire with three original compositions by Dębicz. They invited the best musicians from the Polish entertainment scene: Marcin Ułanowski (percussion) and Wojciech Gumiński (double bass). In this four-member ensemble, they developed a unique sound of "new Baroque" at the legendary Church Studios in London, which will resonate in the golden Symphony Hall of the Szczecin Philharmonic.