Filip Springer
Born in 1982, he is a reporter and photographer. His report debut, ‘Miedzianka. The history of disappearing’ (Czarne 2011), qualified for the finals of the NIKE Literary Award and the Ryszard Kapuściński Award. Other reportages (‘Ill-Born. Polish Post-war Modernist Architecture’, ‘A Bathtub With a Colonnade. A Book of Reportage on Polish Space’, ‘Blueprints. The Life and Work of Zofia and Oskar Hansen’, ‘13 pięter’, ‘Księga Zachwytów’) talk about the problems of Polish space and architecture. In 2016, the book ‘Archipelag City’, which followed a larger documentary project devoted to former provincial cities, was published. In 2018, his mini prose debut entitled "Zegarmistrz" was published as part of the Wrzesińska Collection. Filip Springer lives and works in Warsaw. He cooperates with the Reportage Institute, and lectures at the Polish School of Reportage.
fr. 13-09-2019, 20:00
Solatorium | lamp exhibition | MDF Festival lounge
Solatorium | lamp exhibition | MDF Festival lounge
fr. 13-09-2019, 18:30
Light and city
Light and city