Jarosław Kordaczuk – composer of concert music, but also for theater, film, pantomime, and poetry. Author of the sound experimentation workshop.
With the 2003 commission of the song "Locomotive" (to a poem by Julian Tuwim), he began his constant cooperation with the Children's Art Center in Poznań. It resulted in a considerable number of compositions introducing children to the world of contemporary music. The composer received the first prize at the International Competition for Composers R. Murray Schafer. Kordaczuk is also the author of the unique in the world "Piano Concerto for Children". In his work, he willingly combines acoustic and electroacoustic executive apparatus. In particular, creating sound "live" seems to remain closest to the center of his compositional preferences in this aspect. He often participates in the performance of his works as a conductor or performer of, for example, the monoctone part – the original electroacoustic instrument of which he is the designer.