Dimensions of Music Form
sn. 23-09-2018, 19:00
Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall

Flint Juventino Beppe 'Heart' Op. 27 No. 5 

'The Sound of Szczecin'

'A Heroine for our time – the artist Julia Pastrana'

Apparatjik (Jonas Bjerre, Magne Furuholmen, Martin Terefe),
BUIKA – vocals
Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Rune Bergmann – conductor
Mateusz Czarnowski – orchestration and arrangements
Audiokolor (Stefan Brunner, Timm Ringewaldt) – technical production

Symphonic and electronic sounds and unique stage design, as well as light visualizations will make up several final works entitled ‘Dimensions of Music Form’.
“The Sound of Szczecin”
The composition is the result of an exceptional action that was carried out in Szczecin. In April, the city streets were roamed in specially marked cars by well-known residents of Szczecin, including musicians, actors, journalists and representatives of cultural institutions. The cars were equipped with geodata recording devices, which was later transformed into binary codes, and these – into music codes. As a result, more than an eight-hour base of material was created, containing quite accidental sounds, maintained in a single-voice texture. From among many sound motifs appearing, the author of arrangement and orchestration of the piece – Mateusz Czarnowski chose the 20 most interesting ones and based on them the core of the composition. This is how ‘The Sound of Szczecin’ was created, which will have its premiere performed by the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Rune Bergmann and the synth-pop group Apparatjik. It will be a unique opportunity to hear what Szczecin sounds like.

“A Heroine for our time – the artist Julia Pastrana”
The concert will constitute the world premiere of the orchestral version of the composition ‘Heroine of our time’. It was based on musical material for an opera about the tragic life of Mexican circus artist Julia Pastrana – the famous woman with a beard who was an attraction in 19th-century Europe. The story about the fate and loneliness of the heroine will be told by musical images created by the Apparatjik group, the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Rune Bergmann, and also BUIKA – the Spanish singer and composer.

Apparatjik – a Scandinavian band known for its avant-garde approach to synth-pop sound. Currently, it is made up of: Magne Furuholmen, member and founder of the band "A-ha" (guitarist and keyboardist), Jonas Bjerre from the Danish ensemble "Mew" (vocalist and guitarist) and Martin Terefe (drummer and producer). The ensemble members share not only a unique sound, but also the way of approaching the possibilities of artistic expression i.a. through visual arts. There will be an occasion to see it through your own eyes during this unique concert-performance.

BUIKA (María Concepción Balboa Buika) – singer, composer, producer of her own albums and poet in one. She was born in Mallorca, Spain, but comes from the Bubi tribe of Equatorial Guinea. She belongs to those artists who help build multicultural and multidimensional structures of art. She oscillates between different genres of music: jazz, soul, reggae, afro beat and r'n'b, flavoring them with a characteristic flamenco accent. During the concert, the artist will play the role of the protagonist of the musical story – Julia Pastrana.

Mateusz Czarnowski
Rafał Grozdew